If you take the Japanese Language Profiency Test, you can get a gift certificate of 2,000 yen. 日本語能力試験を受けると商品券(2000円)がもらえます

ページ番号1009422  更新日 2024年2月16日


If you take the Japanese Language Profiency Test, you can get a gift certificate of 2,000 yen.

Person who can get a gift certificate

  • Person who lives in Nishio City
  • Person who took the Japanese Language Proficiency Test

How to get a gift certificate of 2,000 yen

  1. Take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test .
  2. Receive the result of the test. The result notification is sent to you.
  3. A copy of your result notification, A copy of your resident card, Application form

Present 3 sheets to Nishio City Hall


A gift certificate is sent to your house by mail.

We support people who took the Japanese Language Proficiency Test .




市民部 地域つながり課
〒445-8501 西尾市寄住町下田22番地

  • 市民協働:0563-65-2178
  • 地域支援:0563-65-2107
