Multilingual Information Center 外国人相談窓口
We opened a one-stop type of "Multilingual Information Center"
Nishio City has set up a one-stop service for foreign residents to provide information and consultations in multiple languages so that foreign residents can quickly and appropriately reach information and consultations regarding their daily lives.
Opening hours
From Wednesday, April 1st, 2020
From 08:30am to 05:15pm on the days that the city hall is open
The "Consultation for Foreigners" which used to be held twice a month and three times a year on Sundays has been discontinued.
Community Relations Division (City Hall, 2nd floor)
Guidance by professionals
One Vietnamese and one Portuguese interpreter will be available to assist foreign residents.
We will also refer you to a specialized department if necessary.
Language |
Days |
Time |
Vietnamese |
Monday to Friday |
From 08:30am to 05:00pm |
Portuguese |
Monday to Friday |
From 09:00am to 01:00pm |
Use of multilingual video-call interpretation
The call center operator provides interpretation in multiple languages via video-call.
Staff members are available for consultation through the use of video-call interpreters.
Languages (13 languages)
Portuguese, Spanish, English, Chinese, Korean,Vietnamese, Filipino, Thai, French, Nepali, Hindi,Russian, Indonesian.
Available days of the week and times by language
Language |
Days |
Time |
Portuguese, Spanish, English, Chinese, Korean. |
Monday to Friday |
From 08:30am to 05:15pm |
Filipino, Vietnamese, Thai, Nepali, Hindi. |
Monday to Friday |
From 09:00am to 05:15pm |
French, Russian. |
Monday to Friday |
From 10:00am to 05:15pm |
Indonesian |
Monday to Friday |
From 09:00am to 05:00pm |
市民部 地域つながり課
〒445-8501 西尾市寄住町下田22番地
- 電話
- 市民協働:0563-65-2178
- 地域支援:0563-65-2107
- ファクス
- 0563-56-2175