Nishio City Multilingual Disaster Hotline(西尾市災害時多言語コールセンター)
You may use the multilingual telephone interpretation service in the event that disasters such as earthquakes and heavy rains occur in Nishio City.
telephone number:
When can you use this hotline:
As long as the Nishio City Disaster Response Headquarters is in operation (24 hours)
Available languages:
21 languages
Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Indonesian, Chinese, English, Korean, Thai, Malay, Nepali, Burmese, Khmer, Mongolian, Sinhala, Hindi, Bengali, German, French, Italian, Russian
Examples of use:
① When you need a telephone interpreter to ask your city hall about disaster-related information.
The call center will confirm the situation and contact appropriate organizations such as the Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters or hospitals. The information will then be relayed to the foreigner by the call center.
② When you need a telephone interpreter to communicate with foreigners at evacuation centers or similar places.
Please contact the call center should a foreigner consult with you at the disaster site or an evacuation center. Our multilingual staff will always be ready to interpret the information.
市民部 地域つながり課
〒445-8501 西尾市寄住町下田22番地
- 電話
- 市民協働:0563-65-2178
- 地域支援:0563-65-2107
- ファクス
- 0563-56-2175